Ognjen Stanišljević, Art Director bei Return Consulting.Ognjen Stanišljević, Art Director bei Return Consulting.

Spotlight on

Ognjen Stanišljević

"O.G." lebt Kreativität bei Return - im Spannungsfeld zwischen Business, Advertising und Kunst.

1985 in Sarajevo

Belgrad & Kopenhagen

With Return since
November 2021

Art Direction & Identity



  • Art Direction
  • Brand Strategy & Identity
  • Idea Making
  • Kampagnen-Konzeption
  • Advertising (TV, Print, Digital, Out of Home...)
  • Visual Communication & Design
  • Product Development

Denk tief, mein Freund. Aber bitte schnell: Ognjen inhaliert Consumer Insights und die Essenz einer Marke. Auf Brand Identity folgt sodann das Kreativkonzept. Die Designs realisiert er selbst und leitet die Spezialist:innen für Copywriting, Animationen, TV Spots, 3D Rendering, Website Development...

Nach über 10 Jahren in Agenturen wie GREY und Ogilvy kombiniert "O.G." jetzt strategische Kompetenz mit visueller Ausdruckskraft bei Return Consulting.

Ausgezeichnet mit mehreren Advertising Awards, lebt der Globetrotter seine Inspirationen auch als Freelancer weltweit aus: London, Skandinavien, Balkan, USA - Kreativität braucht Platz, sich zu entfalten.


01 –
Weg zu Return

"The contact to Return came about through Mario: we've known each other for a while now and are of similar type in many respects, especially in professional terms. We’ve already cooperated on one or two projects throughout my career. A pitch here, a music project there.

Around the time Return was founded, I left my job at a well-known creative agency. I was tired of the usual agency stress and wanted to do projects on my own in a way that I could identify with.

At some point we talked about combining the two: Return needed reinforcements to visualize all the ideas and concepts. And I also like working in a team if the mindset and all factors are right. What can I say? Halil, Magnus & the crew bring in the digital, I bring in the timeless.... The return fits for all involved."

02 –

"I enjoy hard challenges when it comes to serious topics. Hard challenges in the sense of solving sophisticated communication problems through art direction and design. And when the outcome is measurable, at least in the long-term.

These are the conditions under which I feel I can really push a business and a brand forward."

03 –

Biggest Game

"There is not this particular project, this one "game" I can point to. My first thought were the biggest brands which I contributed my ideas to, such as Coca-Cola or Snapchat. But in the end, this is business as usual.

I think it's more about finding my own independent voice, being respected for my business achievements in general. And knowing I did it on my own and now clients who reach out for my advice and brand guidance are happy with the results."

»You give this man a briefing & don't know yourself what exactly you're shooting for. In the end, he hits exactly that. Only much more precisely than you had imagined.

Halil Uzun von Return Consulting.

Halil Uzun

- Consultant @ Return Consulting

Projects featuring Ognjen


Various Works

Art Direction & Design

Some work from recent years (brand identity, design, campaign conception), driven by Art Director Ognjen.

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klimaVest Werbebanner, an dem mehrere Menschen vorbeilaufen.

Commerz Real

Invest in Infinity

Ein Kampagnen-Konzept mit Tiefe, das Awareness für das Produkt klimaVest schafft & dabei zum Abschluss führt.

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Werbebanner an einer Wand, auf dem Elemente der Return Homepage zu sehen sind.

Return Consulting

One Step Further

Der Kern des Unternehmens: Kommuniziert über visuelle Codes, die nach innen wie nach außen wirken.

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